Thursday, September 22, 2016

A little bit of equality

I enjoy travelling. I like seeing new cities, exploring new paths, and coming in contact with different cultures. But one thing I don't really like are the flights to get there. Oh I don't mind flying per se. I trust the airlines and the pilots to get me to my destination safely.  But I hate the cramped seats, people who try to cram everything they can into overfilled storage bins, and the fewer and fewer services that one gets while flying in economy class.

I saw a video recently of someone travelling first class on Emirates Airlines. They had their own compartment. They had their own bar in case the flight attendants could not get there quick enough to fill their orders. Their seat folded down into a bed with duvet covers. When they awoke they even got to use the shower on the plane.

Flying teaches us that there is a difference to class. Those who can afford it are treated to great luxury. Those who can't afford it are treated like cargo.

I grew up being taught by my father that all people were created equal. Everyone was the same no matter what their background. I hold strongly to this belief. No one deserves a place higher up in the queue than someone else. Everyone should be treated the same.

Not everyone thinks that way. They believe that if you are born in a certain place, or to a certain station in life, or have the right skin colour, or were male,  then you deserved better treatment then others. Thankfully not everyone is as extreme as Pauline Hanson but I think everyone in someway still separates the world into us and them. Even I, who have always been taught that everyone should be treated equally- I still secretly feel that dog people are better then cat people. There I've said it.

But this week something happened where everyone is treated the same. The equinox happened and suddenly for one day at least, everyone shared in equal amounts of daylight and darkness. It happens twice a year. For us in Australia it means longer days and warmer weather lies ahead. For those in Canada it means the long dark winter is getting ever near. But for one day, everybody around the world is treated exactly the same.

Maybe that is a lesson for us. We spend too much time differentiating ourselves one from another. Maybe we can be like the sun on the equinox giving equal light and dark to everyone. We don't need to view the world in terms of us and them. Maybe cat people are ok.  Blessings.


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